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Saturday Mornings
Kids TV


ROAR TV isn't just for adults.  We have some of the finest children's programming broadcasting daily and all Saturday morning long.


From feature films in sign language including ''The Wizard of Oz'' and '"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,'' to cartoons to music videos in sign such as ''Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,'' and ''Old McDonald had a Farm,'' Kids TV on ROAR TV is a destination where children regardless of any impairment can feel like they belong and get along with others different then them.

Encore Presentation Now Playing
2013  Deaflympics


An International Olympic Committee sanctioned event, the Deaflympics

are held every 4 years and this July was hosted in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The longest running sporting event in the world, other then the Olympics itself, the Deaflympics feature a variety of games found in the Olympics but  unlike those games the athletes are not guided by sound. Competitions include karate, bowling, wrestling, beach volleyball, and cycling.

​Daily at 6pm ET/PT
News with Close-Captioning and Sign 

ROAR TV is the first terrestrial television channel to offer news with open close captioning and sign language intrepretation for the duration of the broadcast.


While many European and other international mainstream channels have long offered news fair with sign language intrepretation, ROAR TV is the first US television channel with a news broadcast in sign.


Our news programming featured all the day's top news as well as news specific to the hearing impaired community.


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