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Advertising on Roar TV is the first part of reaching our highly allusive, brand loyal audience but in order to truly reach our audience you should take advantage of the following services, free for a limited time.

Enchanced Open Captioning 

* The National Captioning Institute research show that the caption market includes 24 million individuals who are either deaf or hearing impaired.

* From that pool of consumers, there are 3.7 million remedial readers, 27 million illiterate adults who are learning to read and 30 million people who are learning to speak and read English.

*This means that the total additional population captioned DRTV programming  may reach is 84.7 million TV viewers.

* The National Captioning Institute also reports that 66 percent of this market is more likely to  buy products advertised with captions, 53 percent makes a special effort to look for products advertised with captions and 35 percent will change brands to buy a product advertised with captions  instead of one that is not.


While most television shows are currently close-captioned they are done so the same way they were years ago using a typewriter style that is hard to read.  By the time that close-captioned viewers get to commercials (some of which have close-captions) they are generally to tired from reading the captions during their program to also read the ones during the commercial break.


The solution is enhanced open captioning, as shown in our illustration video, that is easy on the eyes and makes for an enjoyable experience for the viewer who relies on them.

​Sign Language Interpretation

Sign language provides an experience for the viewer who speaks this language as close as possible to what other viewers experience when they hear the language they speak being spoken.


Captioning must be read. While it helps overcome the obstacle for those with hearing impairments watching television it does not create an experience on par with what sign language intrepretation offers.


You can be sure that speakers of sign language will stop and watch your commercial when they see it has a sign language interpretation. If you really want to reach a person whose main langauge is sign language then the only way to do that is to ''translate'' your message into that language.

BBC News with Sign Language on AdapTV

Video Description

The 10 million visually impaired people in the United States will no longer have to forgo popular television programs, thanks to "video descriptions," a new service that provides audio narration of shows' key visual elements. By law, all major networks and various affiliates must offer the descriptions by July 2013, transforming the television experience for the blind. Some major U.S. movies already offer the descriptions.

Visual narration has actually been around and in vogue since the 1980's but you would have a hard time finding it on your television line-up or DVD rental location.  Roar TV is the nation's premiere provider of not just movies but television series and sporting events with visual narration.


Video description is sometimes referred to as audio description, description or narrative description which is the most classical term but it is all the same thing:


Short verbal descriptions of action or key visual scenes in a program, such as the setting, costumes, and facial expressions, are provided to add context. The descriptions are inserted into pauses within a program's dialogue. 


Check out this PSA with Jeff Corwin about video description


Your advertisement can benefit greatly from a visual narration.  One of our professional narrators will provide a audio narration to essential parts of your long or short form commercial so that visually impaired viewers get the full message your creative seeks to impart. 

AdaptTV will deliver a market that is over 57 million strong to you.  Our Network's powerful audience-focused programming format combined with commercial enhancement services, as featured above, will help you reach the single largest market you are not currently reaching.


Join us and start reaching our audience right away.

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