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Advertise With US

Over 54 million Americans with significant discretionary incomes could be your clients. Odds are they aren't..yet.


One or both of two issues is at the root of this customer loss; Number one, you haven't effectively communicated your product pitch in a way they can clearly understand. Number two, you haven't shown them that you care and developed a brand loyality with this extremely loyal segment of the American consumer. 

ROAR TV has the solution to both these obstacles.  


ROAR TV is the first and only television network in America dedicated to viewers who suffer from hearing, visual and mobility impairments.


With ROAR TV your commercials benefit from four important added elements:


1. Open-Captioning for the hearing impaired.

2. Sign language interpretation for speakers of sign-language.

3. Audio narration of essential visual elements that a listener-only would benefit from.

4. Inclusion on a television network that is dedicated to this target demographic.

Viewers of ROAR TV are not limited to those with long term disability but also include, as example, senior citizens who develop visual and or hearing impairment as a result of health ailments associated with advanced age.

More than 16 million people in the United States ages 18-64 live with some kind of sight impairment, including blindness. The 65+ age range includes another 5.4 million. By 2015, this latter number is estimated to reach 7.4 million; by 2030, 15 million.


Approximately 17 percent (36 million) of American adults report some degree of hearing loss. Some 4,000 new cases of sudden deafness occur each year in the United States alone.

ROAR TV also reaches the millions of Americans

who live with a person with a disability

and also show their support for products

featured on our Network.

Other television networks simply don't serve this huge audience.

Increasingly popular overseas, no news or general entertainment programming outside of ROAR TV offers sign language interpretation or audio narration description.  Close-captioning is often provided in a format that is unfriendly and hard to read.  


Now ROAR TV helps you can target market to this audience with your own enhanced commercials.

There is a large audience that is anxious to hear more about your product or service. ROAR TVgives you the opportunity to communicate with them clearly and precisely. It also allows you to show your support and care which will be returned by brand loyalty from a demographic that is known for their fidelity.


One booking on ROAR TV can add not just new clients but a whole new market for your company.

Contact us today for more information on how we can help you discover clients just waiting to hear and or see more about your product!

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